album artwork cover design for Erik Yahnkovf – “Amber Alert” EP out on Amalgm8 Music
album cover design for Shanahan – Save Me EP
album art graphic design for Viskus – Courage to Fly EP
album cover design for GR33D – Storm Sliced single, music visuals
digital art and graphic design for Dark Places Game Soundtrack
album cover design for Shanahan’s single titled ‘The Bull’, premiered by Hardwell on Air #214
album cover graphic design for ElArrey feat. Nasomi – Rise (try, try, try)
album artwork cover design for Jason Grey – Diablo EP released on Crossing Over Records
album cover design entry for Paul van Dyk – Evolution album
If I had to chose one favorite debut artist of 2011 that will definitely be Carl Nunes! His tunes totally enchanted my ears along the year...
Album cover graphic design for Alex M.O.R.P.H. “Purple Audio” album, 2008.