Frequently Asked Questions

* Before starting any project, you will receive an agreement that you will need to sign, scan and send back to me.

* A 50% deposit (of the total sum) is required and is non-refundable. That is to protect me and my work from people that have no intention of paying for the work and services I am providing.

* After this first step is out of the way, we will have either a “kick-off” call or a series of emails where we will brainstorm, set expectations, milestones and gain as much clarity and information about the project as possible. I love picking your brain and thoroughly understanding what you need, so do not be hesitant to send any piece of information that you think might be helpful.

* We will explore: naming, styles, competition and strengths

* Following this, I start designing the logo which contains a generous amount of concepts and ideas, hand drawn and custom made. After we select the logo, it’s time to design the website which I love to build from scratch using WordPress.

* Once we have that in place, I start crafting a strategy for social media followed by content creation for any marketing campaigns (digital or otherwise). Some clients even like me to help them write their content for the website or assist them with branding their physical products or merchandise.

* I will keep you updated on the progress through weekly or bi-weekly emails (depending on the project). We can also agree on weekly, bi-weekly or as-needed phone or Skype calls throughout the entire project lifespan.

* Consultation phone calls longer than 30 minutes are being charged an additional consultation fee of $100.

* While you can get a lot of cheap options out there, this is a little bit like fast food: it will get you quick results but it probably is a lower quality and it’s bad for you in the long run. The best is to choose someone who will listen to your unique set of problems and who can help you create something that will stand the test of time and separate you from the competition.

* Experience is also something extremely important. Nothing can substitute solving real problems. When you pay for my services, you pay for almost two decades of experience, you pay for thousands upon thousands of hours dedicated to improving my craft, you pay for a comprehensive skill set that I actively seek to expand and improve upon.

* It takes a lot of dedication and sacrifices, and maybe this is something people don’t talk about that much. And this is why people think our job is very easy and simplistic. If only I could just show you all the times I spent designing, drawing, reading books on how to be better at a skill or watching tutorials, while others were having fun and enjoying themselves with friends and family!

* Don’t ever sacrifice quality!

I have a BS in Computer Science and a variety of independent courses like photography, digital marketing, social media marketing, video editing.

I believe that in order to remain relevant in a constantly evolving field it’s an absolute MUST to keep learning new things and improving my skills.

For a full branding project it can take anywhere between a month and six months, according to the magnitude of the project and the feedback cycle.

Time is the most valuable resource, so I value yours and mine extremely. That’s why I offer a limited number of revisions. A well defined scope, sharp focus and step by step execution always guarantees success as opposed to constantly changing directions and never seeing anything through.

I offer consultation sessions throughout the whole project cycle especially to help you gain clarity and confidence.

* I work with both greatly established brands and up and coming companies. I don’t care about the size or notoriety of a brand, I care mostly about their vision, mission and how passionate they are about what they do.

* A few of the more prestigious companies I collaborated with are: Subaru, VANS, Burberry, Universal Music Group, Harley Davidson, Livenation, Sony Entertainment, Yamaha etc.

* The reason why I prefer lifestyle, culture or entertainment brands or professionals is because I understand trends well and it’s easy for me to translate them into visual concepts. Being myself in this field allows me to study and relate to problems that arise and ways in which I can help solve them.

I price all my services based on the value you get, not the hours spent. This way I make sure you are always satisfied with your end product and we always stay within revisions count and budget.

There’s no way of “overcharging” because there are no hidden fees or hours of work unaccounted for.

If you’re curious about the branding bundles I offer, please check the pricing page.

I take PayPal, personal checks, credit cards through Stripe or PayPal Here, Venmo and Bitcoin.

* While I love creating  full custom brand identities because it gives me the best opportunity to utilize my full spectrum of creative skills and create coherent and unitary concepts, I’m always flexible in terms of scope and items.

* Which means that I love creating a single product for you if that’s all you need or your priority at the moment. Do you need just content creation for an upcoming campaign? Do you need only a logo done? Do you want to explore a new stylistic direction for your business? I’m here to help, so let’s talk!

* Since the nature of this work is mainly digital and conceptual, I cannot offer any refunds on the work I have already spent time on doing for you.

* This means that if you receive various concepts for a project, but for whatever reason you aren’t satisfied with any of them, you CANNOT get your money back, since the TIME and RESOURCES dedicated for the project have been already allocated and consumed.

No. I only design websites powered by WordPress. It suits the needs of my clients the best, it is the easiest for them to use and has the most flexible functionalities.

I prefer to design everything from scratch, because it is unique, personal and effective. Your business is not identical to a million of other businesses, so why use a template that a million other businesses are using?

I will occasionally use a template if the situation or client requires it, but I prefer frameworks or content building plugins instead of an actual template.

I have tried modifying and customizing pre-made templates in the past and it is NEVER as easy as it sounds like. There is always some obscure setting or weird code that the developer put in and now there are inconsistencies everywhere and the website is broken. So basically still a shit ton of work for me to fix, and you to be frustrated about. No bueno

Perhaps, if we are a good fit for each other. My main requirements to thrive in any environment are to have creative freedom and a flexible schedule, with possibility of working remote.

I honestly do not care for snacks and ping pong. Sorry 🙂

More resources

December Glow in the Dark Abstract Acrylic Painting

I started this painting a few weeks ago and I worked in small bursts at it because December has been so strange this year. So far it has been full of positives, as always, being my favorite month (because of the Holidays) but also full of sadness due to heartbreaking family events.

Cozy Autumn Activities for Artists and Creatives

Toamna ne bate la ușă încercând și ea cumva să intre, așa că hai să ne turnăm un vinuț sau ceai cald și să o întâmpinăm cu niște activități comfortabile și cozy. Cu această ocazie am pregătit o listă de lucruri molcome și cu dichis care să incălzească ochii și sufletele.

Art Journal Series: Living Seasonally

Art Journal Series: Living Seasonally Seems like autumn has made its way...

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