“Deus Ex Machina” (aka DxM) is a series of digital artworks I started in 2015 inspired by the concept of blending technology with natural elements.
In my work I always try to combine digital art with traditional fine art materials and techniques, somehow to create a link between modern and ancestral, between analog and digital, between organic and synthetic, and ultimately between man and machine. My goal is to remind the viewers that no matter how complex our futures can become, we must not forget to honor our spirit, our humanity, and our roots.
In all the artworks of these series I use a custom blend between organic elements from photos I took of rocks, trees etc. (and other natural elements), brush strokes scanned from paintings I did on paper, and digital art techniques.
“Deus Ex Machina II” was created for the yearly digital art wallpaper exhibition organized by Desktopography.
You can view and download the wallpaper at this link.

“Deus Ex Machina III”
The static version of this artwork has also been showcased physically, as an acrylic plexiglass at Five Deuces Galleria in St Petersburg Florida during July – August 2019 collective art exhibition. Sizes are: 24in x 20in.